
Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Your Story Winner!

Hi all! I want to thank you all for leaving wonderful comments on the blog candy giveaway! I wish I had more to give, but I only have one Your Story. If you are not a winner this time maybe next time. I put in #1 to #69. The Random pick # is #35 and when I counted it #35 is Theresa, t.costantini(at)comcast(dot)net. Congratulation! Theresa email me your info so I can mail the Your Story to you. Have a great weekend all!


  1. Congrats THeresa(lucky)
    Awesome prize!!
    Thanks Judy for the chance to win...

  2. Congrats Theresa!! And thanks Judy for letting us all play along!
    Barb :)

  3. Поздравляю Терезу с выигрышем, а Джуди благодарю за возможность участвовать в таком прекрасном розыгрыше! Надеюсь на победу в следующий раз! Прошу в гости!

  4. Thanks Judy and everyone for the congrats! I just wrote you a e-mail Judy, thanking you so much for the nice gift. That is so very cool of you to offer. Really appreciate it and will put it to great use. Hope everything is going much better for youand your family, and Happy Anniversary too! Theresa :)

  5. Hi Judy, thanks for your message. You are so kind. I will have to send you something (RAK) just because you have such a sweet heart. I really appreciate your comments - they really are encouraging. Thanks so much for your wonderful support! ;D I hope your weekend is good. I hope all is well with your family too!

  6. Congrats Theresa...wonderful candy to recv...she will have so much fun with it....Judy you are the most generous soul there is and we all love you so much because you are you.....I adore the flower ribbon card below...I will have to give those a try...and the easter eggs with the stitching...just the are a crafty girly!

  7. Congratulations to Lucky Theresa...what a fun giveaway. Thanks for the chance, Judy :o)


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