
Friday, May 14, 2010

A Penguin School Poster board Project!!

Hello everyone! Here is a school poster board project. This poster board was created by my niece Justina for school. Justina is in 10th grade. I really like how she wrote alot of information about the penguins. She did a excellent job on this school project and Im so proud of her! Justina finished this project tonight and I wanted to post it on my blog. She is learning how to use the Cricut Expression too! Have a great weekend everyone!

Cartridge used:

Plantin Schoolbook (letters and scallop)

Create a Critter ( penguin) Page #39.


  1. This is an A+ project!! And I can say that because I am a teacher!! She did a fabulous job... I love that she included so much information!! Lovely!
    Barb :)

  2. She did a great job. I love my cricut. Following you from Friday Follow!!

  3. Hi, just found you through the over 40 Friday Follow, nice to meet you, hope you will follow me too :)

    BTW, I'm 49 with a 4 year old!

  4. Hi Judy!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and visiting the Follow Friday 40 and Over Blog Hop!

    I am now following you. Please follow me if you haven't already done so!!

    I would also like to invite you to join the Over 40 Bloggers Club!! Take a look and join the party!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

    PS: I thought the pic of you was of your daughter! You look soooooooo young!!!

  5. Hi Judy!!

    I have added your blog to the Over 40 Bloggers List!!

    Thanks for joining the party!!

    Hope you have a wonderful day!


  6. She did a great job!

    Hi! I'm running late but here I am. Stopping by from Friday Blog Hop. I am now following. Hope you will stop by my blog and follow when you get a chance :) Have a great weekend!



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