
Friday, July 9, 2010

Help make cards for Grace! UPDATED..Jewelry added

Hello everyone! I heard about this over at: This is a card I made for Grace. Grace is a little girl who lost her twin sister, Ellie to cancer last week. Jennifer Mcguire is asking if anyone can make a happy card, fun picture of pets or have children to draw color... anything or a bought card if you can't make one and send it to address posted on her site.
Here is the link if you want to check it out:
The inside of the card reads "Warm Smile". This Minnie shape card is so cute. I made another bow with white tulles and adhered to card. The card size is 7 3/4 inches Height by 4 3/4 inches Wide. Let me know if you want the DesignStudio or Gypsy cut file and I will Email it to you.

Cartridge used:

Mickey and Friends( Minniehd pg #109).

To get more cards etc made for Grace. I will be giving away my handmade Summer wordbook album. Here is the handmade Summer word book Album.

Here is how to enter for a chance to win

1) Make a card for Grace and do a post on your blog about it.
2) Come back here and link it, so you can be enter for my handmade Summer wordbook album.
3 Leave comment on Jennifer site. Let her know you made a card and did a post.
4) Send card to the address, Jennifer Mcguire has posted. Thats all you have to do and you are entered for a chance to win my handmade Summer Wordbook Album and I added bracelat and earrings on 7/9/10. I will use Random org to pick winner. Have a great week everyone.

Im adding a handmade bracelet and earrings I made yesterday. Bracelet measures 7 in long. I know I have a lot of followers who makes cards. I can't believe I have only one link to this post!
Added 7/9/10

Cards for Grace here


  1. Lovely card! Hope Grace gets lots of them!
    Thanks for playing along with Practical Scrappers!

  2. I am a new WW follower. Love your background too.

  3. Hi, I'm a new follower from WW!! So glad to have found your blog :)

    -Shopper Gal

  4. What a wonderful card and I hope it brings a smile to that little girl.

    I am a new follower from WW.


  5. Cute cards! Hope Grace gets alot of these and more! I am here from Welcome Wednesday but i already follow you! Also Technical Support is up for grabs!Yesterday's topic was No Titles In The Sidebar Widget and today we talk about Centering the sidebar buttons. Make sure you don't miss any of this!
    Happy Welcome Wednesday!

  6. I saw that on Jennifer's blog, such a sad story! She will love your card!

    I'm here from Welcome Wednesday, I am now a follower.

  7. that card is sure to bring a smile :) follower from welcome wednesday!

  8. Already following, but I wanted to invite you to join me tomorrow for Thursday's Train to Facebook - a way to get more fans for your Facebook page!! Hope to see you there!

    Buzzing the Day Away

  9. Following you and popping over from Welcome Wednesday.


  10. I love the card you made. I am a new follower here at

  11. So cute!

    Following from Welcome Wednesday! Can't wait to read more.

  12. Hi ! Very cute card!!

    I follow you - just joined your site on GFC! I am looking forward to reading more on your site!

    I hope you will follow me back at


  13. What a terrible story. So sad. I am your newest follower! I would like to invite you to visit my new blog at

  14. I'll have to attempt to make a card for Grace! Warning: It may be a dismal failure! I'm your newest follower from WW! Please stop by and be my newest follower too! I'm at AGAlNeeds...At Least 2 Blogs!

  15. Hello, we are new followers from welcome Wednesday. What a sad story, especially hard to lose a twin.
    Please Check us out at

  16. Hey girl, I just love your card!!!! It is so cute. What little girl wouldn't want to get a Minnie Mouse card! I also wanted to tell you that I have a distress challenge up over at Pages in Time. The link is It's a fun group with a lot of chatty girls. If you decide to do it, look me up so I can "friend" you there. I have two fun groups there. One is a shopaholics type group where we talk about new products. I think you'd like that one!!! LOL.

  17. I love follower from Thursday friends and giveaways

  18. Judy I think your summer album is so gorgeous! I can't believe more people haven't link cards to Grace!!! I put mine up, but feel free to keep it and try to give it away to anyone who will post and send any card to cards for kids. Maybe if you remind them that they are giving away RAKS too?? xoxo, Denise

  19. Cute cards. We are a Disney family and love all things Disney. I'm following from the Friday blog hop. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!


  20. That is a very cute card. :) I'm a new follower.

  21. what a sweet card for grace!

    i'm a new follower!

  22. That is a really cute card & I think Grace will love it. I was following this story on Twitter & it was so heartbreaking.

    Now following from Follow Me Friday.

  23. I love your blog. Here is the address to mine, if you are interested:

  24. new follower from FF i hope you'll stop by


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