
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy six Birthday card and photo

Hello everyone. I hope you all are having a great day. Here is a card I made for my daughter. Today is my little princess Birthday:) Happy 6 Birthday to my little princess!

I used Birthday Bash cartridge to make this card. The armadillo and 6 is on page #66 of the handbook.

This is the Birthday girl! We celebrated her Birthday on Sunday with family and friends. She had a blast and received a lot of presents. I'm so blessed I have her. She is a joy to have in my life and she is my little princess:) Look at that SMILE!

Have a wonderful day everyone and thank you for stopping by!


  1. Please give your Birthday Girl a hug for me. She is truly beautiful. She has the nicest smile with eyes that smile with her. Oh, but you are blessed!

  2. Love the card, and the birthday girl is precious. Thanks for joining Thrifty Thursday! Blessings...

    Saved By Love Creations

  3. Following you from a blog hop! Will you follow back? I'm at

  4. Following from Thirsty Thursday Blog Hop, you can follow back at :)

  5. Found you via the blog hop, love the card and your sweet little gal. It's been too long since I made hand crafted cards, but this really gets the itch going. :)

  6. I love your crafts! You are so talented. :)

    I'm a new follower you from Thirsty Thursday. I hope you'll follow me back at

    Thanks! :)


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