
Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Memories Suite Winner !!!

Hello everyone. Hope you all are having a wonderful Sunday. Can you believe we only have one more week to go and it will be Christmas Day! Here another layout I created with the My Memories Suite digital scrapbooking software. I love this digital software. I'm been creating a lot of pages for my Your Story album:) This page is so cute of my hubby and daughter playing in the snow.

Here is how I picked the winner. I put all the comments in a bowl. I let my daughter reach in the bowl and she pulled out Blooming Rose. Congratulations Blooming Rose. I will email the download code to you as soon as I receive it from My Memories Suite. If your email is not visual on your blog make sure you email it to me. My email is located on my side bar. Thanks to all who entered.

Have a great week everyone. Thank you for stopping by:)


  1. Hi Judy,
    You certainly know how to do an excellent job with the My Memories Suite. I recently won it and hope I can do a good job. The picture of your husband and daughter playing in the snow is very beautiful. Continue to have good times.

  2. Wonderful layout. Congrats to the winner.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"


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