
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fun flowers to make!

Hello everyone! Here is some fun tissue paper flowers to make. My daughter and I made these flower last week on Tuesday. We had so much fun making these flowers for my DD bedroom. I bought the plastic vase at the Dollar store for $1 dollar. Here is the video link if you want to make these flowers with your daughter or grandchildren. These flower are really easy to make and they are so pretty in a vase.
Look at all these new Cricut cartridges I got on Friday! My wonderful husband surprised me and brought these home for me! Now I know why he keep asking me which Cricut cartridges I wanted the most! I'm so blessed to have a wonderful husband to spoil me. All my life I have been blessed. Thank you, Jesus for so much joy in my life. You all have a great week.


  1. Judy, that is so wonderful - that is a blessing! So very nice of your husband to think of you and add to your talent! I will have to check out that video on those BEAUTIFUL flowers! That's so nice you and your daughter get to craft together! Judy, I just received the beautiful gift you sent me - you are too kind! :-) I have the cute magnetic board on my refrigerator - thank you so much! I love having it so that I can leave notes for myself or hubby...soooooo cute! Thank you so much! You're the sweetest blogger friend ever - thank you! :-)

  2. Awww, that was so sweet of your hubby. I am sorry to read about your mother in laws passing. I think the song I can only Imagine gives us home. She is before our Lord now.


  3. Judy... sorry to hear the news about your MIL... it is always hard to let go of someone we love, even when we know they are dancin' before God!!

    How sweet is your man?!! That was so thoughtful of him!! My husband is great at giving flowers and chocolate... but I think I would rather have new carts!! :)

    Love the flower idea... I think I will have to give it a try with my baby girl!!
    Barb :)

  4. So sorry to hear about your MIL passing, Judy.
    Prayers to you and your family.

    Your hubby sounds like a very thoughtful person.
    I bought the Create a Critter cart but haven't been able to use it yet. I had to send my Cricut back to Provo Craft. It's been gone about 2 weeks now. I'm going through craft withdrawls!! Can't wait to see what you do with the critters!

  5. sorry to hear of your is always a difficult are in my prayers as is your family....your hubby is a sweetheart to have surprised you with so much creative fun...what a doll!!! I love the flowers...and also want to say thanx so much for the beautiful butterflies...I got them last are such a sweet friend and I am blessed to know you!!!!


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