
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Father's Day card and some animal pictures!

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great holiday! We stayed home and cooked out on the grill and had family and friends over. Here is a Father's Day card I designed in Cricut DesignStudio. The Father's Day sentiment is computer generated and the rectangle I cut with my scallop scissors. Im sorry I can"t rememeber what size I cut the lighthouse,seagulls and waves. If you want the .cut file email me and I will email it to you. The card size is 7 in height by 5 in wide. I embossed the card cuttlebug swiss dots folder.

Cartridge used:
Life is a beach to cut ( light house, seagulls pg #79 and waves pg #77).

This card is for these challenges!
Cricut Cardz Challenge #27.
Cuttlebug spot Challenge to make Dads or Grads Card.
Cuttlebug Challenge: Be inspired #86 color challenge.
Simon Says Stamps Challenge: Father's Day/ Male Card.
Fantabulous Cricut Challenge : #14 Celebrate Dear Dad.

Here are some picture's of my father's farm animals. I took these picture in North Carolina, when I went down there to celebrate my father's 80th Birthday. I was there May 15 to May 24,2010. This goose was trying to hatch her eggs.
My father had to feed this baby goat with a bottle, because the momma goat milk bag dried up. When this little goat seen my father coming out, she would run up to my father. She knew my father was feeding her. This baby goat is so cute!
Here is a picture of my Father's cows. My family had so much fun In North Carolina. Have a great day everyone


  1. Very cute card. Fantastic embossing on that lighthouse. I would have never thought to do that, I like it a lot. Thanks so very much for adding your serene card to our dad challenge at CCC.

  2. Hi Judy,
    What a great Father's Day card! I agree with Jeri, I love how you embossed the 2nd layer on the light house. That gave it nice dimension. I just bought the Life's a Beach cart and I can't wait to start using it.

    Thanks so much for joining us at the CCC blog!
    Ruthie :)

  3. That card is beautiful!!! I've never seen one quite like it!

    I love the farm picture...I grew up on a farm and love animals!!

  4. Fabulous card!! Love your farm pics, too! So glad to see you this week at Cuttlebug Challenge Blogspot.

  5. Blog follower from Welcome Wednesday! You can follow me at



  6. Thanks for joining our challenge over the cuttlebug blog. And thanks for the animal pictures. Love them, especially the little goat.

  7. Hi Judy!

    Just wanted to let you know that you have an award post on my blog!

    You can get it HERE


  8. Nice embossed dots!!

    Thanks so much for entering the Simon Says Stamp Challenge!!!


  9. Hello, I like how you used the swiss dots folder...also could you please tell me how you got your comments to show up instead of being hidden... please follow me

  10. Your card is `fabulous` love the image!!
    WoW all those animals are `wonderful`
    Happy belated 80th to your Dad`:)
    Thanks for joining in the cuttlebug challenges

  11. Isnt it amazing how a little touch of texture can chage the look of a card!! Really geart Birthday card for your beloved father!!

    thanks for playing along at cuttlebug challengeblog this week~ Shantaie senior DT

  12. Very cute blog - I love everything you're making! Stopping by from Friday-Follow and so glad I found you! Now following you, and looking forward to getting to know you better!


  13. Stopping in from Friday Follow Me, have a great weekend! :)

  14. Happy Friday Follow, now following you via Google Friend. Be sure to stop by our blog at

    We offer valuable giveaways and safety information for you and your family

  15. Hi Judy, everyone loves your card, and it is nice, but I was blown away seeing that picture of the duck sitting on her eggs, wow. And the tiny baby goat. I didn't know the Carolinas were so magical. Anyway, I'm your newest follower and the next time I visit I promise to be more focused on your card designs and tutorials

    Hope you come visit my blog and follow me too okay? Thanks. oooops and your baby girl is truly pretty in pink. Smiles.


  16. Thanks for joining Fun Follow Friday! I am your newest follower.

  17. Great Father's day card! The embossing really adds to the fresh feeling. Thanks for joining us at the Cuttlebug Spot. xxD

  18. What a de"light"ful card and all of the great pictures from the farm! Thanks for being part of the Cuttlebug Challenge this week!!

  19. What a great lighthouse card! Love it! Awesome animal pictures too!
    Thanks for joining the Simon Says Challenge!
    Hugs, Dena

  20. Love your lighthouse card! So pretty! Thanks for playing in our Cuttlebug challenge this week!

  21. Great beachy card! I lived in NC for 12 years...great place to be :)

  22. Oh I love your card. The embossing is fabulous! And I adore your pictures. I live on a farm also and there's nothing as pretty as a baby goat!
    ACLP Hugs

  23. Judy this is a great card. Love the colors and the embossing. So glad to have you at A Crafty Little Place. Stop back again soon!

    Gwen DTC @ A Crafty Little Place

  24. Wonderful masculine card!! Love the texture!! Thank you so much for playing along with us at ACLP!!
    Sheri-ACLP DT

  25. Darling lighthouse! Great card. Thanks for playing along with us at Fantabulous Cricut:)

  26. What a great lighthouse Judy! I love the nautical colors, very masculine as my Father In Law's office is decorated with lighthouses. :D Thank you so much for joining us at ACLP this week celebrating the guys in our lives!
    ~*Joni ACLP DT

  27. This is so pretty. Love the embossing. Thanks for playing with us at Fantabulous Cricut:)

  28. really a superb card! I love it. The animals are cute too. I bet that beautiful daughter of yours enjoys them. Thanks for playing along on PCC this week.

  29. Very nice card. I love NC, I have two kids that live there. Great project and nice pictures of the farm. Thanks for joining us at Fantabulous Cricut.

  30. Fabby card!! Thanks for sharing with ACLP this week!!
    Little Crafty Hugs - LORi


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