
Friday, December 24, 2010

Beaded People :)

Merry Christmas everyone! I wish you all a wonderful and blessed Christmas. I hope you all are all ready for Christmas :) and you got all your shopping done, gifts wrapped etc. I am ready for Christmas and everything is done! All I have to do is cook dinner and all will be done. I worked this week at my friends store from 8 am to 6 pm that why I have not posted anything on my blog. Here is some beaded people I made a few weeks ago. I used plastic red and gold beads for the Christmas beaded people and some blue and clear glass beads for the other beaded people:) I made alot of these to give to my friends etc.

These are super cute! They can be hooked on a necklace, pin to a shirt and it can be made to hook on key rings etc. These beaded people are easy to make and the legs and arms move too. I love to make them:) You know me I love to make all kinds of crafts! I hope you all like them.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving comments. Merry Christmas:)


  1. Merry Christmas!
    I'm a new follower from the Social Parade, and would appreciate a follow back when you get the chance:

  2. Merry Christmas!! Those are adorable!! I'm now following from the social parade!!

  3. Hi there! I'm a new follower! Please drop by if you get a chance -

  4. Cute Craft - I bet the kids will like it. Following from Friday 40 and over - Hope you'll stop by
    Happy Holidays!

  5. Very cute!! What a great gift idea!

    I found you on the blog hop and am your newest follower :-)

    Joy & blessings,

  6. The bead people are so cute! Hope your Christmas was wonderful!

  7. Who doesn't love Mariah Christmas music!?!?

    I'm a new follower!

  8. Merry Christmas!

    I'm your new follower from Monday blog hop =)
    Would love a follow back and a follow on Bloglovin' if possible =D


  9. Those are so cute.

    I'm visiting from meet me Monday.

    I'm your new follower.

    Have a great week!

  10. Hi there, I'm your newest follower.
    I found you on a blog hop and would love if you follow me back too.

    BTW Your blog is awesome and so are those cute crafts!

  11. Hello Judy!!! Thanks my dear friend!! Happy New Year!! 2011 to happen realizations, vigour and very love !! Very happiness to you and your Family. Kisses... kisses...


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