
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Crocheted headband!

Happy Wednesday everyone! Its snowy here and all the schools are closed. My daughter is loving this snow day. Look! My daughter is modeling my crocheted headband. She loves to get her picture taken. Look at that Smile! Im so blessed to have her in my life. I had her when I was 40 years old and she is a JOY to have in my life :)

This headband is my own design. I made alot of these but I never post them on my blog. I used the crochet rib stitch to make the headband. To make the bow I used the crochet textured stitch and I single crocheted around bow. The bow can be removed from headband ;) I used a safety pin to pin the bow to the headband.

This headband has alot of stretch to it. My daughter and I can wear it :) Im so happy I can crochet. I can create alot of beautiful items for everyone:) When my daughter gets 8 years old. Im going to try to teach her to crochet.

Have a wonderful day and thank you all for stopping by ;)


  1. Judy, what a cute little one your daughter is! and my that headband is so darn pretty...

    i hope you have a beautiful week...


  2. Hi Judy, your crochet creations are really nice!! I have a step-grandmother who crochets but she has never done anything like this. She mostly does blankets, and pillows. One year she made book covers and this year she made purses.

    Have a great day!

  3. Beautiful! So cute. New follower through Traveling Through Thursday!

  4. That's gorgeous. Such a beautiful model, too. And I absolutely love your header photo. When I show that to my daughter Amy, she will probably squeal. She adores white ponies.

    Found you via Thursday blog hopping
    CJ xx

  5. Visiting from the bloghop, already a follower.

  6. I wish I could crochet - that is a great skill to have! cure headband.

    Im a new Google Connect Friend following you from Buzz On By Thursday Blog Hop! Love if you'd follow me back.

    Yona Writes


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