Hello friends. I hope you are having a great Thursday. I love to make these Pomander balls also (known as Kissing balls) These are used to decorate at Weddings and can be used to decorate a home. If you haven't made one you should. You will love the outcome of these Kissing ball. They are stunning. Here is the
link to the first Kissing ball I made.

The pomander I made here measures 8 inches diameter. They can be made with different flowers and smaller foam balls. These kissing balls are versatile. I love how they look too.

Here's a tutorial on how to make one. I bought the ribbon, 3 inch foam ball, 4 bunches of artificial rose flowers at the Dollar Tree Store.

Cut the flower stems to 1 1/2 inch with wire cutters.

Take stem of flower and poke it through foam ball. Pull out flower and add hot glue in hole where you poked stem through and put flower back in to glue flower in poked hole. I hope I didn't confuse you, because I sometimes confuse myself (lol).

Just keep poking hole with flower stem, add glue in poke holes and add flower to glue holes and you will have a kissing ball. Make sure you don't put them to close together because you will smash the flowers and make sure you don't leave them to far apart the foam ball will show. Poke another hole for ribbon on top and fill hole with hot glue and add ribbon. When your friends see it! They will all want you to make them one:)

Let me know if I confused you. Have a great day all and thanks for stopping by.